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Learn About Cyber Security? What Do You Need

in learning about cyber security, there are several important concepts that must be instilled when learning about this field, a small example of solving technical problems is a way to gain the trust of the people who work with you.

now if you want to enter this field it is mandatory to upgrade your skills and expand your practice, here I will discuss about what you will need to develop skills and increase your experience in learning cyber security

so let’s get started

Build and Using Virtual Machines

using virtual machines you can build or create other operating system on your computer, without break or remove your primary operating system because this OS running and Managed by Software call hypervisor

A Hypervisor

The Hypervisor can help you manage your computer resource like CPU, RAM and Many Other

what can you do with this?

with this VM Technology you can maximizes your skill and make you effective on any situatuion.

with VM you can research and create flexibility with isolated Environtment :) without affection your main computer

Learn Command Line

this one of the main skills that must be possessed by a pentester, with command lineyou can work 3x faster in handling things or checking logs to identify cases, the command line is also the most effective way to interact with computers.

Mastery System Administrations

this step is involves configure and maintaining the computers whatever a personal device or server, try to push the limit, for example you login to your sosmed accout without save a login info

Computer Networking

the mean is understanding how devices interact with each othe, and how to get data from point A to Point B, strong foundation on computer networking you will make you a good toubleshooter, there’s 2 important concept model of networking

  • TCP/IP
  • OSI (Open System Interconnection)

Personal digital Security

This is area I’ve been particularly passionate about because it affected our family’s friends and many other, if want to go deep into cyber security, there’s no better place to start than with yourself.

Stay Up to Date

this is a important step, stay update with cyber security news, best practice and many others.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on May 06, 2022 04:01 +0700
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